Skip user information. Die Antwoord. This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by Forumserver Twoplustwo Internet Poker Dec 25thpm. You are not logged in. English French German Turkish. Unread posts Unreplied threads Threads of the last 24 hours Advanced Search. Allods Online Forum. Forum Members Home. Tuesday, December 23rdpm. Skip user information vedran Beginner. Posts: Forumserver Twoplustwo Internet Poker This thread is sad I am constantly calling you all to KoE for pvp, i dont understand why are you so afraid to get killed by some imps, its not like you will die in real life. I enjoy pvp and i always will even if my oponent is better then me it is the best way to learn. Go to KoE, chalange them,zerg them, take 5 to 10 ppl and kill the one that is farming you can do it. At the end it is all about fun, so what if you get owned or camped at res site. Bowtiful i dont know who you are from our encouters in KoE i presume you know me but i had fun fighting you, Shaffou same thing, even tho you outgear me badly i enjoy you hunting me. I was in Nezeb last night figting everyone who was there. Dont be afraid to show your theet, that is how AM did it and if we come back empire will have some huge competition on their hands. Cheers and i will see you in game!!! Go to the top of the page. Skip user information Achilles Intermediate. I wish the rest of league had your attitude toward PvP vedran. Skip user information Cheui Beginner. Its so easy now to "sing the braves song", "i will figth you" bla bla bla bla I have been also in domi figthting 4 v 6 against the strongest party of Utopie and they blocked us in the spam point, is that funny for you? In the other hand, i dont care go to WH even loosing we can get some good reward with proper estrategies in equal numbers, but when numbers and gear are in the other side While i was playing imps owned all aspects of the game Cheui werent you imps side at that time? Anyway, you have to fight back at some point. If you are alone with someone ofc you will stop, the point is to bring everyone from your faction to fight, not just you and your friend. At the end if there is no chalange at all why even play, allods is not casual friendly game and you cant play it like that. Skip user information Zerag Intermediate. Quoted from "vedran". I allways play league. Wednesday, December 24tham. Skip user information Marco Intermediate.
Bài viết: 9. Sadece güvenilir makinelerden VAC korumalı sunuculara bağlanın. Yeni mesajları sizin için sürekli kontrol ediyoruz , bir mesaj yazılırsa otomatik yükleyeceğiz. Achilles trolling , i didnt remebered you this harsh. Heck even another NA player Neos came back and he owned them as a holy pally and he has 52's only.
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Welcome back to perfection, the longest lasting PvP server in silkroad history, season two of perfection has been launched, we will welcome back. so what your saying is i come and play there server to take recording/videos and catch dirty player's for the admin? The IP I got traced to basically the middle of nowhere in Germany, east of Cologne and north of Frankfurt. So is this a German server, and if so, why there? should i lick there crack. › forum › topic.Supafly Xem hồ sơ Xem bài viết. The ban on your account will never be removed. Báo cáo bài viết này LÝ DO. Here is some of the ideas we are implementing if not have already: PVP as a whole - we looked at the current and last PVP systems we had in Perfection and decided we didnt just want to focus on the 1 v 1 aspect. But the system goes back and connects to the Italy Milan server. Posts: Location: In your head I dont mean you are bad, not Eğlenceli sorunsuz bir PvP sunucusu. We rearlised that simply making a server and giving people items and letting them go pvp at the jangan gates, wasn't really isnt what a pvp server should be about. This is what troubleshooting is, trying different things and seeing if they work until we can come to a solution. Bununla ilgili bir güncelleme veya düzeltme çalışması var mı? Ayrıca oyuna 2 -3 içinde yeni bir patch gelicek ve arena coinle egypt A grade itemler ve gold coin alınabilecek. Posted June 24, Bazı özel günlerde altın fiyatları yüzde 33 daha düşük olacak 9-Oyunda yeni bir internet sistem sağlayıcısı olacak ve bu şekilde pingler ve gecikmeler düşecek Yeni bir jel temini veya dolar için Aklımda daha fazla plan var ve herkes beğenirse ben de paylaşacağım. Konu İstatistikleri Yükleniyor. Oyuna girerseniz Pm Razzdrovskya. I cannot access the server areas whose limits I have set within the game by applying the rules you wrote in the forum. Lưu ý: Đây là chỉ dùng CHO báo cáo những bài viết spam, quảng cáo, và những vấn đề như quấy rối, gây lộn, hoặc bất lịch sự. Netduma Fraser Like Loading Recommended Posts. Sürekli pvp eventler Donater ve Non donater lar ayrı ayrı yapılıyor. When two ships ganked us. Editörün Seçtiği Fırsatlar. Herkes bu sorunu yaşamıyor, burası bir destek forumu, sorunları yalnızca burada göreceksiniz ve hatta mesaj gönderenlerin hepsi bu durumu yaşamıyor. Its so easy now to "sing the braves song", "i will figth you" bla bla bla bla It was restarted. I enjoy pvp and i always will even if my oponent is better then me it is the best way to learn. Im extremely excited of 6. Öne çıkar, anasayfada daha üstte görünsün. In simple mode, the appropriate server in the circle lights up white. This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Achilles" Dec 25th , pm. Metinleri kameranızla çevirin. Mỗi trang: 15 30 OPA Xem hồ sơ Xem bài viết.