This is the default welcome page used to test the correct operation of the Apache2 server after installation on Ubuntu systems. It is based on the equivalent page on Debian, from which the Ubuntu Apache packaging is derived. If you can read this page, it means that the Apache HTTP server installed at this site is working properly. If you are a normal user of this web site and don't know what this page is about, this probably means that the site is currently unavailable due to maintenance. If the problem persists, please contact the site's administrator. Ubuntu's Apache2 default configuration is different from the upstream default configuration, and split into several files optimized for interaction with Ubuntu tools. Refer to this for the full documentation. Documentation for the web server itself can be found by accessing the manual if the apache2-doc package was installed on this server. The configuration layout for an Apache2 web server installation on Ubuntu systems is as follows:. Please use the ubuntu-bug tool to report bugs in the Apache2 package with Ubuntu. However, check existing bug reports before reporting a new bug. Please report bugs specific to modules such as PHP and others to their respective packages, not to Palm Beach Kennel Club Poker web server itself. Apache2 Default Page. It puts the pieces together by including all remaining configuration files when starting up the web server. It is used to determine the listening ports for incoming connections, and this file can be customized anytime. These should be managed by using our helpers a2enmod, a2dismod, a2ensite, a2dissite, and a2enconf, a2disconf. See their respective man pages for detailed information.
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