Pitoresk köyler, bembeyaz evler, küçük kiliseler, dar sokaklar ve taştan yapılmış, görkemli Agios İoannis Theologos Manastırı, her ziyaretçiye saygı ve huşu vermektedir. Patmos, İkaria ile Leros arasında uzanmaktadır. Sakin kumsallar ve mavi sulara sahip güzel plajlarla doludur. Dağın tepesinde yılında keşiş Hristodulos tarafından yaptırılan adanın en önemli cazibe merkezi olan Agios İoannis Theologos Manastırı bulunmaktadır. Yerli taşlarla inşa edilmiş olan bu etkileyici manastır, görkemli bir şekilde hakim konumdadır ve birçok hacının, manevi mirasının tadını çıkarmak için akın ettiği ve güzelliğine ve sükunetini hayranlıkla izlemek için geldiği bir hac yeridir. Dini ve gizemli atmosferi ile kutsal Patmos adası sessiz bir tatil için idealdir. Tarihi ve kültürel geleneğine ek olarak, dantelli kumsalları ve güzel plajları ile şahane manzaralara sahiptir. According to mythologyPatmos was called Letoisse and it was the island of Diana, daughter of Leto, after whom the island was named. Myth claims that Patmos lay on the bottom of the sea. Selini, the moon, was Temple Of Neptune Casino love with Endymion, who would sleep in the temple of Diana at Karia, and every time she saw him, she would light the island in the water, creating a scene of unique beauty. Selini, asked Diana to raise the island above Temple Of Neptune Casino sea and this was achieved with the help of Apollo, brother of Diana, who asked this favour from his father, Zeus. After the island emerged and was warmed by the sun, Diana encouraged many people to inhabit it. Traces of residencies, temples and fortifications indicate the inhabitation of Patmos since ancient times. The island suffered a long period of desertion untilwhen it was offered to St Christodoulos by Alexios Komnenos A´. After the fall of Constantinople, many Christians sought refuge here, and the island thrived in the late 16th — early 17th century, due to its commercial connection with Crete, occupied at the time by the Venetians. Patmos was also the homeland of Emmanuel Xanthos, one of the founders of Hetaeria, who attended courses in the School of Patmos. The Turkish Occupation lasted untilwhen the island came under the command of the Italians. Patmos, like all the Dodecanese islands, was united with Greece on 7 May We all know the Bible and we are familiar with the Book of Revelations. Unknown to many, the Book of Revelations was actually written in Patmos, Greece. When Saint John the Divine was exiled, he was sent to Patmos, Greece, which was then a place for criminals because of its inaccessibility. Patmos Adası. Mitoloji ve Tarih. Diğer Bilgiler. There are four Temple Of Neptune Casino in this little island: Kampos, Chora, Skala and Grikos. The island has 63 kilometers of coast, making it perfect for a beach holiday. Pátmos Adası Görüntüleri. Benzersiz İndirimler. Rezervasyonlarınızı şimdi yapın! This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Kapat Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies.
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