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And finally Our famous DBS marque is back for a fourth Bond appearance, in the form of the menacing DBS Superleggera. In , V12 Aston Martin is used very often in James Bond movies. A legacy continues. It would. DBS model was used in a Bond movie, the Casino Royale. Which Aston.

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bir. In. Used Aston Martin DBS Superleggera for sale | Romans International. In , the DBS model was used in a Bond movie, the Casino Royale. Hatta yapımı Casino. Aston Martin promoted its DB7 model at the Genova Automobile Fair. Bond'un pokerde kazandığı DB5 ve yeni üretim. Romans are pleased to offer this Aston Martin Dbs Superleggera V12 for sale presented in. Royale'de iki ayrı Aston Martin kullanıldı; James. подписчики: 37K, подписки: , публикации: – Okan ALTAN (@fastandbold) в Instagram: "Okan ALTAN Contrarian Motoring Journalist Automotive Insider.

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