The brain is our defining organ, giving us not only self-awareness, but also the ability to wonder about ourselves, our world, and our own mortality. It is, nevertheless, a mystery why brains work better than otherswhy some of us make consistently good decisions, and others never seem to learn from their mistakes. In well-crafted and engaging prose, he draws on examples from professional football players to airline pilots, gambling casinos to modern politics, he demonstrates how different parts of our brain respond to different kinds of stimuliand how, in a well-trained and adaptable mind, we shift seamlessly between our rational left hemisphere and our emotional and intuitive left side, as we confront the challenges of life. Tightly tightly written and entertaining, How We Decide is intended more for general audiences than academics, who might find its descriptions and explanations too basic to help in their professional work. For the rest of us, however, it is thought-provoking and helpful, bringing us the benefits of modern research without the burden of academic jargon. But Jonah Lehrer's How We Decide holds its own with Gladwell, Stephen Pinker, Daniel Dennett, and the host of science writers increasingly focused on the complexities of the human brain. By letting the experts do much of the talking and by drawing conclusions from his voluminous research and knowledge of the field, Lehrer presents a readable account of what we know about how we decide -- and acknowledges the vast universe of what we don't. This is an excerpt from a review published in Bookmarks magazine. Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Buy on Amazon. Rate this book. Karar Anı. Jonah Lehrer. İnsanlar karar aldıkları ilk günden beri nasıl karar aldıkları konusunda kafa yormuşlardır. Yüzyıllar boyunca insan davranışlarını dışarıdan gözleyerek, karar alma üzerine incelikli teoriler geliştirmişlerdir. Beyin tam bir kapalı kutu olduğu için bu düşünürler insanın kafasının içinde gerçekte neler olup bittiği hakkında fiilen sınanamayan bazı varsayımlara dayanmak zorunda kalmışlardı. Bu kitapta Jonah Lehrer, sinirbilimin bulguları ışığında kararlarımızı nasıl verdiğimizi inceliyor. Karar öncesinde beynimizin içinde neler olup bittiğini aydınlatmaya çalışıyor. Uçak pilotlarının, oyun kurucularının, dizi yönetmenlerinin, poker oyuncularının, profesyonel yatırımcıların, seri katillerin günlük hayatta aldıkları kararları irdeliyor. Beyin açısından bakıldığında, iyi bir kararla kötü bir karar arasında ince bir çizgi vardır. Bu kitap işte bu ince çizgiyi ele alıyor. Unknown Binding First published February 9, Loading interface About the author. Jonah Lehrer 11 books followers. Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Displaying 1 - 30 of 1, reviews. As I am not a scientist like some other reviewers, I found this book to be quite enlightening. It was well-written and entertaining, as well. Things I learned: People need to use both rational thought and emotion to make the best decisions. We need to make our own mistakes because that is how our brains get rewired not to do it again. Emotions turn mistakes into educational events and then use those lessons unconsciously. We get cranky when we're hungry and tired because the prefrontal cortex is the first to lose energy and consequently the ability to suppress negative emotions. Teenagers are more impulsive because the prefrontal cortex is also the last part of the brain to develop, and ADHD happens when kids' brains are slow to develop. Rationality can be a liability when it leads to rationalization. Embrace uncertainty: entertain competing hypotheses and remind yourself of what you don't know. Difficult decisions those with numerous factors involved are best made by taking in all the facts, sleeping on it, and ultimately relying on your feelings. For the first half of this book I was rather annoyed. There are also a list of psychological tests that need to be discussed — emotionally depraved monkeys with their wire mothers to be compared with Romanian orphans and psychopathsthe endless bowl of soup test always rates a mention, as does the lost movie ticket dilemma as to whether you would pay for another one. My annoyance, then, was around the fact that I felt I had heard every Ok Ko Lets Play Heroes Day 8 Slot example in this book at least once before.
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